Vege  bag  &  Recipe  archive

If you’re curious what a typical Ōtaki Vege Bag might contain through different seasons, scan through the previous week’s archives.

We also have an archive of cooking suggestions that we share when highlighting a new vegetable you might not find at the supermarket.

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Autumn Crooked Vege Autumn Crooked Vege

Autumn Vege Bag - Week 5

What’s in this weeks Ōtaki Vege Bag?
Vege highlights: Garlic Chives cooking tip, Basil and Chilli winter storage, Fennel cooking suggestions, What to do with these root vege leaves?

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Autumn Crooked Vege Autumn Crooked Vege

Autumn Vege Bag - Week 4

What’s in this weeks Ōtaki Vege Bag?
Vege highlights: Snake Bean cooking suggestions, Garlic Chives cooking suggestions, Beetroot (or any vege) Sauerkraut recipe

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Autumn Crooked Vege Autumn Crooked Vege

Autumn Vege Bag - Week 3

What’s in this weeks Ōtaki Vege Bag?

Vege Highlights: Grilled Shishito Chilli, turnips general cooking suggestions, heirloom tomatoes (some history)

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