Otaki Vege Bag Summer-autumn Season

13 week season, Feb 15 - May 3

We’re enjoying the bounty of our Summer-Autumn season.

Currently all spaces are filled but please register your interest below if you would like to be contacted when a space becomes available.

WHat’s the deal with Otaki vege bags?

Ōtaki Vege Bags is about giving more people the ability to choose ethically, locally-grown kai.

The project is a collaboration between Crooked Vege and Ahoaho māra kai (a market garden and education project at Ōtaki college) providing pay-what-you-can and pay-it-forward subscription vege bags to Ōtaki locals. Members subscribe to a season’s worth of weekly vege bags and choose a payment option which suits their financial circumstances.

The vege is all locally grown here in Ōtaki by Ahoaho māra kai (spray free) and Crooked Vege (certified organic).

Ōtaki Vege Bags is a form of CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), where members sign up to receive a portion of a farm’s harvest for a season. This commitment by members to receive a season’s worth of vege helps the farmers know how much to grow, minimising waste and giving farmers some security in knowing they have a sale for their produce.

How do we do it? The pay-what-you-can and pay-it-forward system is a form of mutual aid where members who are more financially secure can choose to pay more than the recommended or ‘break even’ amount ($35), helping to subsidise vege for those who can pay less.

How to grow carbs - for O.S.a Members

Ōtaki Vege Bags is about community supporting community. That’s why we’re running a series of workshops on how to grow carb-dense crops like potatoes, kūmara, kamokamo, and pumpkin which are essential to providing vege bags that fill people up! These are relatively labour-intensive crops which is why we’re asking for members to get involved.

Members are invited to help out with the prep, planting, and harvesting of these crops for the vege bags, and along the way, learn how to grow these themselves. This will be through a series of workshops, with lunch and take-home educational materials provided. If you’re a member, or thinking about becoming one and you’re keen to get involved, email us at kiaora@crookedvege.co.nz

 frequently asked questions

  • Thank you! We’ve had generous offers from people to pay for a bag on behalf of someone else. This is the kind of mutual aid that Ōtaki Vege Bags relies on. If you’d like to pay for a bag on behalf of someone else, get in touch at kiaora@crookedvege.co.nz

  • We have a suggested value of $35 per bag.

    This is based on forecasting of our ‘break even’ cost, which we hope will cover at least minimum wage for growers and the cost of ethically sourced inputs (in a world where it’s cheaper to buy imported synthetic nitrogen than it is to buy locally produced compost). 

    Members can pay more or less than this amount depending on their financial circumstances.

  • No worries! Ōtaki Vege Bags is about giving everyone access to local, sustainably grown kai, regardless of income. We’d love for you to sign up and become part of the community!

  • Part of what keeps Ōtaki Vege Bags affordable is the commitment from members to get a weekly vege bag for the whole 13 week season. This lets growers plan crops in advance, minimising waste and keeping things simple.

  • To keep things simple and affordable, the bags consist of whatever is ready to harvest. If there are certain veggies you don’t like, we have a swap crate where members can leave what they don’t think they’ll eat, and take something else instead.

    We also work on a pack-your-own bag system, and usually there’s an option to choose between different vege.

  • We aim to offer 8+ different veggies each week. These veggies come from Ahoaho māra kai at Ōtaki College (spray free) and Crooked Vege Ōtaki (certified organic). Feedback from previous members says that the quantity feeds 2-4 people per week. The variety depends on the season and what’s growing.

    Some weeks there might be an abundance of tomatoes and more vege than expected, some weeks there might be less. Members commit to receiving the abundance and risk of the season. This gives members the perks of any gluts of vege, and offers the farmers some security if crops fail (we've always been able to offer at least 8 different kinds of vege, but it's really helpful for us to know we have security if we can't hit that mark).

  • Pick up is from Ahoaho māra kai at Ōtaki College on Saturday mornings. This is a great opportunity for members and growers to meet. Members get to know where their kai comes from and growers get to see where it goes!

    We also offer delivery for a flat $45 rate. Unfortunately we can’t offer pay-what-you-can for deliveries.

    But if $45 is too steep and you can’t make it to the Saturday pick up, you can collect your veggies on Monday from the Crooked Vege farm on Waitohu Valley Rd.

  • We can deliver your vege bag for a flat $45 rate. Unfortunately we can’t offer pay-what-you-can for deliveries.

    If you can’t make it to Saturday pick up, you can collect your veggies on Monday from the Crooked Vege farm on Waitohu Valley Rd.

  • To keep things simple admin-wise (so we can spend less time on the computer and more in the māra) we use an automatic direct debiting service (GoCardless) which takes payments weekly.

    Members can choose which amount to pay and change the amount if needed.

  • We ask for a season-long commitment to simplify our admin. This simplicity is what keeps the Ōtaki Vege Bag suggested price lower than the organic stores (while reducing waste and giving members the freshest vege possible)!

    You can also change the value you pay each week.

    But if it’s just not working for you, kei te pai. We require 2 weeks notice of cancelling your membership so we can find someone to replace you.