everyone deserves access to healthy, ethically-grown kai

Otaki vege bags

Ethically-grown, local kai is often impossible to afford for regular people trying to make conscious choices.

That’s why Crooked Vege and Ahoaho māra kai offer Ōtaki Vege Bags to locals who want to take part in a food system that does better by the planet and by people.

If money’s tight, members can choose to pay less than the suggested value, while those who are a bit more flush can choose to pay more.

Ōtaki Vege Bags is about community supporting community.




How can we create systems that make ethically-grown kai locally accessible and affordable, while paying farmers a fair wage for their expertise and hard work? Why isn’t this the norm?

At Crooked Vege, we imagine a different future for our food system - one that prioritises the health of people and the environment through mutual aid, community involvement, and organic and regenerative growing practices.